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All About Shazam

What Is Shazam?
Shazam is a magical mobile app that recognizes music, TV and media around you. It's the best way to discover, explore and share the music and TV you love - and it's free on Apple and Android devices.

Share your favorite discoveries with friends. Follow your favorite artists and find out what they're listening to. Purchase tracks to own forever. Keep to the beat with built-in lyrics and listen to your heart's content with a premium streaming subscription.

One of the world's top ten apps, Shazam reaches more than 500 million users in 200 countries, surpassed 100 million monthly active users, and is growing by over 13 million new users each month.
Visual Shazam - See It Shazam It.
Hey, there's a camera icon in my Shazam - what is it?
You can now Shazam images whenever you see our camera logo or a QR code. Unlock additional content, interactive experiences, special offers, and much more.

Here's a cheat sheet so you can Shazam in a snap - just open, tap, and point:
Any more tips on how to use Visual Shazam?
Here's a few pointers to get the perfect Shazam:
  • Hold your device 4-7 "from the whole interactive image
  • Allow your camera to focus
  • Scanning in dim light? Hit the flash button
Wait, you're the music identification app - what's with the visual stuff?
Do not worry - the button you've come to rely on to identify music is still there. It's just gotten better because we're expanding the range of things you'll be able to Shazam in the future. We've been hard at work building it and know you'll love it.
Have more questions? Submit a request
How Do I Shazam Music And TV?
What is Shazaming?
Shazaming simply means identifying. When you use the app and successfully identify a track or show, you've Shazamed it!
How do I Shazam music?
  1. Download Shazam from the app store on your phone.
  2. Open the app, hold your phone towards the audio and tap on the 'Shazam' icon.
We'll work our magic and within seconds you'll know the name of the song and artist, which will be stored in the My Shazam section of the app.

Purchase the song, watch Youtube videos, sing along to the lyrics, share tracks with friends - and more!
How does Shazam identify music?
When you tap the Shazam button, a unique digital fingerprint is created and matched against our database of millions of tracks. In a matter of seconds we'll let you know the name of your latest musical discovery.
How do I Shazam TV?
Bring ads to life with Shazam. When you see a Shazam logo on TV, hold your phone towards the audio and tap the 'Shazam' icon to interact with exclusive content you will not get anywhere else
What Type Of Music Can Shazam Identify?
Shazam can identify pre-recorded music by matching it against the millions of songs in our database. Our music gurus source pre-release tracks and local music from over 100 different countries.

Does Shazam work with live music?
Shazam can only identify pre-recorded music. Shazaming tracks when you're at a concert or music festival is out.

Can it identify my humming or singing?
Shazam only works with pre-recorded music. Singing into a hairbrush will not work, no matter how good you are. Sorry.

What about Jazz and Classical music?
Classical tracks can be recorded many times over by various artists, so it can sometimes be tricky for Shazam to tell the different versions apart.

There are no technical restraints with Jazz and we're working on adding as much Jazz music to the database as possible.

We have many Jazz and Classical pieces already in our database and we're adding more every day, so it's always worth giving Shazam a shot at identifying your favorite piece.
Problems Creating An Email Account?
There's a small chance you might see one of these two error messages when creating an email account. Here's how to handle them:

  I can not get past a 'we're directing you, please wait ...' screen. What's gone wrong?

If our website is experiencing a lot of traffic, this page might pop up while you're waiting. If you're not automatically redirected, try selecting 'reload the page' at the bottom of the screen or waiting a few minutes before trying again.
Why do I see a 'Using a different device?' Message when I try to confirm my account?

For security reasons you need to confirm your email address on the same device you signed up on. If you sign up on a phone but try to confirm on a laptop, for example, you'll see the screen below. Just make sure that you're accessing your emails on the same device it was sent from and you'll be raring to go in no time.
User Feedback Wanted!
Shazam connects more than 300 million people, in more than 200 countries and 33 languages, to the music, TV shows and brands they love. Every week another 2 million curious people embrace Shazam. All this makes us the world's leading media engagement company. It's an amazing app, available now on all major app stores and platforms. And we're always looking for new and innovative ways to delight our users. Shazam App is one of the Top Ten Most-Downloaded Apps of All Time-on iTunes!

Shazam User Research Program
Calling savvy Shazamers to join our team! We are looking for enthusiastic and approachable people to give us feedback on our app. This could include finding translation typos or improvement suggestions.

This is an unwanted role but participants will receive exclusive Shazam merchandise.

What you'll be doing:
  • Giving the product and design teams feedback on app design and upcoming features;
  • Participating in group chats with others from around the world.

What you'll get out of it:
  • A chance to preview some of Shazam's latest features and products;
  • Your chance to get your opinions heard by one of the world's most popular apps;
  • Opportunities to win exclusive Shazam merchandise.

Who we're looking for. You ...
  • Are a Shazam user;
  • Are approachable, professional and articulate;
  • Have a keen eye for detail;
  • Have an Apple, Android or Windows device.

Please note, this is a brand new program. We are looking for flexible and enthusiastic applications to help us with feedback. Once it's up and running, we will send you a confirmation email letting you know more.
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