My App

Nam nisi justo, egestas non rutrum interdum, interdum at ipsum. Curabitur molestie erat ac sem tristique fringilla. Duis in libero mi, nec fermentum tellus. Etiam ut neque orci. In neque leo, dignissim nec mattis convallis, molestie quis purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam venenatis, lorem non suscipit rutrum, dolor felis tempor lectus, dapibus vehicula diam risus sit amet neque. Curabitur porttitor suscipit dui, sed consequat dolor convallis quis. Suspendisse in scelerisque magna. Integer ante risus, bibendum ac gravida facilisis, suscipit id felis. Phasellus condimentum, orci facilisis mollis cursus, metus diam dictum arcu, vel adipiscing nulla sem sed odio. Sed mollis venenatis ligula accumsan posuere. In non est sit amet nibh viverra vehicula a fermentum urna.

Tips For SoundCloud

Qu'est-ce que SoundCloud ? 

SoundCloud est une plateforme de distribution audio en ligne sur laquelle les utilisateurs peuvent collaborer, promouvoir et distribuer leurs projets musicaux.

Tips for musically

Qu’est-ce que musical.ly?

musical.ly est une application multiplateforme qui vous permet la création et le partage de courtes vidéos. Chaque jour, des millions de personnes choisissent le musical.ly comme un moyen créatif d’expression et de communication. Plus qu’un outil pour la création des vidéos, musical.ly est une plateforme pour connecter les individus à une communauté vibrante de créateurs de contenus

Utilisation musical.ly

Modification de la langue d’affichage

musical.ly est maintenant disponible en 20 langues. D'autres langues seront ajoutées dans le futur.
Pour changer la langue d'affichage sur votre application musical.ly, veuillez suivre les étapes ci-dessous:
1. Accédez à votre page de profil
2. Sélectionnez les "paramètres" dans le coin en haut à droite
3. Défilez le menu puis appuyez sur "langue"
4. Choisissez la langue que vous souhaitez utiliser
N'oubliez pas de redémarrer notre application pour que les changements prennent effet.

Modification de la région

 Pour changer la région de votre application musical.ly, veuillez suivre les étapes ci-dessous:
1. Accédez à votre page de profil dans l'application musical.ly
2. Tapez sur les "paramètres" dans le coin en haut à droite
3. Défilez le menu, puis appuyez sur "région"
4. Choisissez la région que vous souhaitez utiliser
Après avoir changé la région, vous pourrez voir les hashtags locaux et le classement local de votre pays. N'oubliez pas de redémarrer l'application pour que les changements prennent effet.

Personnaliser les notifications

Vous recevrez des notifications lorsque quelqu'un vous suit/mentionne votre compte, aime/commente/est inspiré par vos vidéos, réutilise votre son original, vous pose une question ou invite/joint votre fête.
Afin de personnaliser vos notifications:
1. Allez sur votre page de profil.
2. Appuyez sur les paramètre dans le coin supérieur droit, puis appuyez sur les paramètres des notifications push.
3. Vous pouvez choisir de recevoir des notifications de la part de tout le monde ou seulement de la part de vos amis en choisissant entre "de tout le monde" et "depuis amis".
Afin de recevoir des notifications de publication de la part de certains comptes que vous suivez, allez sur leur profile, appuyer sur le bouton "cloche" pour activer les notifications de publication.
Si vous avez besoin de désactiver les notifications, veuillez suivre les instructions de

Désactiver les notifications push

Afin de désactiver les notifications provenant de notre app, veuillez suivre ces instructions:
Pour les utilisateurs Android:
1. Allez dans les paramètres du téléphone et sélectionnez apps/applications
2. Descendez jusqu'à trouver "musical.ly"/"live.ly"
3. Désactivez l'option "montrer les notifications"
Pour les utilisateurs IOS:
1. Allez dans les paramètres du téléphone et sélectionnez les notifications
2. Descendez jusqu'à trouver "musical.ly"/"live.ly"
3. Décochez l'option "autoriser les notifications

Vider le cache de l'application

musical.ly pourrait prendre plus de mémoire interne que les autres applications parce que nous stockons des vidéos. Cela rend votre expérience plus rapide car vous n'avez plus besoin de télécharger à nouveau des vidéos que vous avez déjà regardé.
Si jamais vous trouvez que musical.ly prend trop de place et voudriez en libérer sur votre appareil, veuillez suivre les instructions suivantes:
1. Allez sur votre page de profil sur l'application musical.ly
2. Sélectionnez les paramètres sur le coin supérieur droit
3. Descendez puis appuyez sur "vider le cache"

Raisons d’une suspension

 La plate-forme de musical.ly fonctionne avec un système anti-spam automatique qui pourrait être déclenché pour un certain nombre de raisons. Voilà pourquoi nous n'encourageons pas les utilisateurs à télécharger des photos de profil qui contiennent le logo ou la couronne de musical.ly. De plus, les descriptions qui contiennent les mots clés «free feature / fans / couronne (crown)" seront également détecté par notre système anti-spam.
En outre, l'affichage d'une grande quantité de likes et commentaires dans un court laps de temps désactivera le compte de certaines permissions pour une période de 3 jours.


Faire un duo

Vous n'avez pas besoin d'être au même endroit que votre ami pour créer un musical ensembles; vous pouvez utiliser la fonction de duo! Pour faire un duo, sélectionnez la vidéo de quelqu'un que vous suivez (et qui vous suit également) et appuyez sur l'icône "..." sur l'écran de la vidéo. Ensuite, vous avez seulement besoin d'appuyez sur "commencer le duo maintenant!" et vous pouvez commencez à enregistrer votre duo. Encore une fois, soyez sûr que vous et la personne avec qui vous souhaitez faire le duo êtes mutuellement abonnés, ou l'application ne vous autorisera pas à faire un duo.
1. Allez au profil avec lequel vous souhaitez créer un duo
2. Appuyez sur l'icône "..." dans le coin inférieur droit
3. Appuyez sur "commencer le duo maintenant!"

Faire de quelqu'un votre meilleur fan à vie

La fonctionnalité meilleur fan à vie vous permet de nommer un de vos fans votre "meilleur fan à vie" et le laisser faire un duo avec vous, sans que vous ayez besoin de le suivre. Consultez le tutoriel visuel suivant!
1. Allez sur la page de profil de quelqu'un qui vous suit
2. Appuyez sur ... dans le coin supérieur droit
3. Appuyez sur "passer en Meilleur fan à vie".Maintenant il peut faire un duo avec vous!

Télécharger une vidéo plus longue que 15 secondes

Les longues vidéos sont maintenant prises en charge dans la dernière version iOS de musical.ly. Vous pouvez mettre en ligne une longue vidéo en suivant ces étapes:
1. Ouvrez musical.ly et appuyez sur plus.jpg
2. Appuyez sur "de la bibliothèque" et sélectionnez "longue vidéo (bêta)"
3. Choisissez une vidéo et ajoutez un sous-titre
Gardez en tête que le temps maximum pour une longue vidéo est de 5 minutes, et seules les vidéos de 5 minutes ou moins seront affichées depuis la bibliothèque.

Inviter des amis à ma fête

Pour inviter un ami à votre fête, veuillez suivre les étapes suivantes:
1. Allez à votre page de profil et sélectionnez la vidéo de fête
2. Appuyez sur le bouton () dans le coin inférieur droit
3. Appuyez sur le bouton d'invitation pour inviter vos amis à joindre la fête

Héberger une fête 

Pour héberger une fête sur musical.ly, veuillez suivre les étapes suivantes:
1. Appuyez sur plus.jpg et choisissez votre méthode pour faire votre vidéo.
2. Quand vous avez fini d'enregistrer, appuyez sur party.jpg sur le coin droit de votre vidéo.
3. Entrez le nom de la fête afin que la fête commence et entrez vos légendes pour les vidéos.

Compiler une histoire

La fonctionnalité histoire permet aux utilisateurs de musical.ly de combiner plusieurs clips vidéos en une histoire musical.ly allant jusqu'à 60 secondes.
Voici comment en créer une:
1. Allez sur votre page de profil ( profile.png ) et appuyez sur vidéos privées
2. Appuyez sur "compiler une histoire"
3. Sélectionnez les vidéos que vous voulez compiler en une histoire. L'histoire peut contenir jusqu'à 4 vidéos.
4. Vous pouvez appuyer sur une vidéo et la glisser pour changer l'ordre de l'histoire.
5. Ecrivez les légendes que vous souhaitez puis appuyez sur "télécharger l'histoire" pour la partager avec la communauté de musical.ly.
6. Une page vous encourageant à la "partager avec vos amis" apparaîtra. Vous pouvez partager votre vidéo vers d'autres réseaux sociaux.
Gardez en tête que vous pouvez seulement compiler les vidéos privées en une histoire

Comment supprimer un musical.ly vidéo publiée?

Pour effacer une vidéo musical.ly que vous avez publiée, veuillez appuyer sur le musical.ly que vous souhaitez supprimer, sélectionnez "..." dans le coin en bas à droite et puis appuyez sur "supprimer".
Vous devriez garder à l'esprit que vous ne pouvez pas restaurer les musical.lys lorsqu'ils sont été supprimés.

Sauvegarder mes vidéos privées

Pour sauvegarder une vidéo privée, vous devez les sauvegarder dans la galerie de téléphone.
1. Allez sur votre page de profil et appuyez sur le dossier de vidéos privées
2. Sélectionnez la vidéo privée que vous souhaitez sauvegarder.
3. Sélectionnez "..." dans le coin inférieur droit puis appuyez sur "enregistrer dans l'album".
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Camfrog Video Chat User Guide

Welcome to Camfrog Video Chat
What is Camfrog Video Chat?
Camfrog is a simple to use videoconferencing program. Camfrog not only allows a one-on-one videoconference but also allows group conferences when connected to a Camfrog Server video chat room. Camfrog Video Chat also has a live directory of users to video chat with, a contact list, a live video chat room directory, status notification, and instant messaging. There is a freeware version of Camfrog and a pay version called Camfrog Pro. Camfrog Pro has many more useful features including the ability to view several videos at once in a video chat room, locate other users, use text over video and many others.
Camfrog makes it easy to find new users to video chat with and allows any user to set up a video chat room if a broadband Internet connection is available.
Camfrog Video Chat Features
Camfrog allows you to make video and audio communications with other Camfrog users all over the world. Camfrog works with Windows XP and later, or Mac OS X. No webcam is required to see or hear users on Camfrog.
Camfrog has a live directory of users, a live directory of video chat rooms, a contact list, and instant messaging.

Before Using
Before using overview
Before using Camfrog, you need to set up a nickname and a password to logon to the Camfrog central server. After you have installed and launched Camfrog, click on the "Register New Nickname" hyperlink in the main application window. You will then be guided through a registration wizard.
A webcam is not required to see and hear other Camfrog users.
Registering a new nickname
Click on the "Register New Nickname" hyperlink in the main application window to register. Your profile information will be available on our Camfrog.com public website user directory. Camfrog makes it easy to meet new people to video chat with.
General configurations
To see your general settings, go under the "Camfrog" menu in the main application window. Choose "Settings" and you will see your general settings followed by additional tabs.
Video configurations
To set your video settings, choose the "Settings" option under the "Camfrog" menu in the main application window. Open the "Video&Audio" tab and you will see your video settings. You can then choose your video capture device and your video stream quality. There is also the "Source " window that allows you to adjust the vendor-provided settings of your video device.
Audio configurations
To set your audio settings, choose the "Settings" option under the "Camfrog" menu in the main application window. Open the "Video&Audio" tab and you will see your audio settings. You can then choose your audio playback and recording device.
Profile configurations
To change your profile, go http://profiles.camfrog.com/nickname where "nickname" is your Camfrog nickname. You can also access your profile by clicking on the link in the Your Profile section of the General tab of the Settings window under the main Camfrog menu.

Starting a video chat
Starting a video chat overview
You can easily video chat with any Camfrog user. Of course, a webcam is not required to see someone, but it is required to be seen. Many users may not want to video chat with someone who does not also have a webcam.
Starting a video chat
To start a video chat, first send the person you want to video chat with an instant message. You can do this by right clicking on his or her nickname and choosing the IM User option. If you do not know anyone to send a message to, you can go to the user directory by clicking on the "Search for Camfrog Users" icon in the main application window. After you have sent the user a message indicating you would like to video chat, you should click on the "Call" icon in the instant message window. If the other user agrees to video chat then you will begin to see and hear one another if you both have a webcam and microphone. You can tell if the other user is male/female, their status, and if they have a webcam or not by their icon in their instant messaging window, or in the user directory.
Accepting a video chat
When someone asks you to video chat, you will be sent an instant message that says "Nickname is requesting a private call. Would you like to accept?". You then will click the hyperlink "yes" to accept and "no" if you do not accept.
If you are not sure if you want to video chat with another user, click the "profile" icon in the IM window or right click on his or her nickname and choose "View Profile" to learn more about that user. If a user sends you a rude IM, you can block them by clicking "Block" in the IM window and then give them bad feedback by clicking the sad face next to where it says "Give Bad Feedback". If this user gets three bad feedbacks from different users, he won’t be able to IM anyone for a few minutes.
Ending a video chat
To end a video chat, click on the "Hang up" webcam icon in the top of the IM window, or close the IM window, or close your local video or the other user’s video window.
Configuring auto-accept of video chat requests
To configure this option, go to "Settings" under the "Camfrog" menu and choose the "IM&Chat" tab. Open the "Private call&File Transfer" tab and choose to "Auto answer" (not recommended) incoming video calls or to set a password for incoming calls. Now you can connect to your client at home from another location to have a remote webcam.
Communicating with audio
Audio overview
Camfrog allows audio in a 1-on-1 video chat session or in a Camfrog Server Video Chat Room.
Audio in a one-on-one connection
Click the "Hands free" check box to send audio during all the time so that the other user could constantly hear you. Alternatively, click the "Push to talk" check box to send audio only when holding down the "Talk" button.
Audio in a video chat room
The video chat room only allows one user to send audio for 30 seconds (server-configured) so that other users get a chance to send audio. Click the "Hands free" check box to send audio hands free for 30 seconds.
Adjust audio settings
To set your audio settings, choose the "Settings" option under the "Camfrog" menu in the main application window. Open the "Video&Audio" tab and you will see your audio settings. You can then choose your audio playback and recording device.

Communicating with video
Video overview
You can see yourself by choosing "Preview Video" under the "Camfrog" menu in the main Camfrog Video Chat application window.
Local video window
To view your local video window, click on the "Video" option under the "Camfrog" menu in the main application window and choose "Preview Video". To pause your video in a one-on-one video chat, or in a video chat room, click on the "Pause video" icon in your local video window.
Adjust video settings
To set your video settings, choose the "Settings" option under the "Camfrog" menu in the main application window. Open the "Video&Audio" tab and you will see your video settings. You can then choose your video capture device and your video stream quality. There is also the Source window that allows you to adjust the vendor-provided settings of your video device.

Communicating with chat and instant messaging
Chat and IM overview
Camfrog is not only a videoconferencing application but it also has instant messaging, a contact list, and the ability to show your online status.
Send a message
To send a message to another Camfrog user, click the "Send an instant message" icon at the bottom of the main application window. Next type in the nickname of the person you want to message and press enter. If you don’t know anyone to video chat with, try our user directory to find a live list of users. Click on the "Search for Camfrog Users" in the main application window.
Chat in a video chat room
To join a video chat room and chat, click on the "Video Chat Rooms" icon at the bottom of the main application window and then click on one of the rooms to connect. You can then type text and enter it to communicate with the other users via text. To ignore a user, right click on their name in the user list and choose "Ignore User". To unignore a user, right click on their name again and choose "Cancel Ignore User".
Saving messages
To save a video chat room or instant message conversation, go under the "Camfrog" menu and choose "Save".
All Camfrog users can change their status by clicking on their current status at the top of the main application window and changing it to a different one. If you choose "invisible" then you will appear as offline in other users contact lists. You can also set your custom status in the "What's hopping" field, and other users will see it next to your nickname in their contact lists.
To add a contact to your contact list, click on the "Add user to Contact list" icon in the main application window and type in their nickname. To remove a contact, right click on their name and choose "Delete".
Video Chat and IM History
To see your video chat history, look under the "Camfrog" menu in the main application window and choose "History window". It is easy to see the different users you have called and the different video chat rooms you have visited. To view your IM history, right click on the user's name and choose the "History" option or find it in the Camfrog menu of the IM window. To clear your history hit the "Clear" or "Delete all" buttons at the bottom left of the history windows.
You can also easily import and export your IM history by going to "Camfrog">"Settings">"Privacy">"History" and choosing the corresponding option. Please note that you can use this option only for the currently logged-in user account.

Communicating in rooms and ponds
Click on the "Video Chat Rooms" icon in the main application window to see the list of rooms you can join to meet other Camfrog users.
There is also a special type of a room called "pond" for those who would like to communicate in a more private environment. This is a personal type of room that is created for you and that stays online until you leave it. There are two types of ponds: private and public. You can control the default pond type in "Camfrog">"Settings">"IM&Chat">"Pond options".
To create a pond, choose "Create pond" in the main "Camfrog" menu or "Pond" in your status menu. Depending on your settings, either a private or public pond will be created as a new room tab named after your nickname. If you create a private pond, it can be joined only by the people you have invited. You can send invites to other users to join you by right clicking their nicknames and choosing "Invite to pond". You’ll be prompted to confirm the invites if the option "Invites to pond" is checked under "Camfrog">"Settings">"Confirmations">"Invites to Pond". You can also create a private pond by choosing one or several users in your contact list and choosing "Invite to pond" or choosing the same option in their IM windows (under "Camfrog" menu or in the tab pop-up menu). In all cases the user will receive your invite in their IM window. If you create a public pond, it will be accessible for all of your mutual friends. They just need to click the pond icon which will appear in their contact list next to your nickname. You can still invite other users just as you would do in a private pond.
Please note that you can only be in one room or pond at a time. The maximum number of users in a pond is 3 for the free version and 8 for Pro. When the user who created the pond leaves it, the pond closes automatically.
Moderating the room
OpTools is a feature allowing the user to moderate the room by using commands in a user friendly interface rather than the command line. It is available in both Pro and Free versions of the client.
To use this feature, open "General" tab of the "Settings" under the main Camfrog menu and check the "Show Operator Tool window" option. By default, it's turned off. When the user turns this option on, the OpTool button appears near the audio settings in the bottom right corner of the room window.
Please refer to OpTools User Guide for more detailed instructions on how to use this feature.
Playing popular games
To invite another user to play a game with you, open their IM-window, click the "Camfrog games" icon and choose the game you would like to play from the dropdown list. If your opponent accepts the challenge, the game will start in a new window. The rules are available under the "Game rules" option.
Please note that you can only play one game at a time.
Camfrog Video Chat Pro Features
Camfrog Pro has many features that the free edition doesn't have including the ability to view several videos at once in a video chat room, disable advertisements, locate other users, change the auto-away setting, use text over video, send or receive files and snapshots, sort users, stay in a room and private calls simultaneously, etc.
View several video windows
To view several video windows, first join a video chat room. Next click on the nickname of "Hidden users" in the user list to view their video window.
Use text over video
This option allows you to impose text over your video. Click on the "Text over video icon" in your video window, enter your phrase and choose its font and other properties.
Send photo, audio and video snapshots to other users
To send a snapshot, choose the "Snapshot" icon at the top of the IM window. Take a photo, video or audio snapshot and instantly share it with other users. If you have the latest version of Camfrog, you can choose resolutions up to 1920х1080 depending on your camera.
Locate other users
To see what the chat room a user is in, click on their nickname in your contact list and choose "Locate user". Alternatively, choose the Locate User option under the Camfrog menu in the main application window and enter the nickname of the user you want to locate.
Send or receive files
To send a file, choose the "Send file" icon at the top of the IM window. Choose a file and instantly share it with other users.
Sort users
Camfrog Pro offers you several options to organize the users in the room list. Right click on any user nickname and choose your preferred sorting method.
Change the auto-away setting
In the Pro version, you can either disable the auto away mode or have its period changed. To do this, go the Settings option under the "Camfrog" menu in the main application window, then uncheck the "Auto Away" option or check it and set the required time of inactivity.
Stay in a room (or pond) and private calls simultaneously
With the Pro version you don't have to choose between a room (or pond) and private calls. Enjoy your chatting experience with fewer restrictions!
Disable advertisement
Uncheck the "Show embedded advertisement" to hide any advertisement in all Camfrog windows.
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All About Shazam

What Is Shazam?
Shazam is a magical mobile app that recognizes music, TV and media around you. It's the best way to discover, explore and share the music and TV you love - and it's free on Apple and Android devices.

Share your favorite discoveries with friends. Follow your favorite artists and find out what they're listening to. Purchase tracks to own forever. Keep to the beat with built-in lyrics and listen to your heart's content with a premium streaming subscription.

One of the world's top ten apps, Shazam reaches more than 500 million users in 200 countries, surpassed 100 million monthly active users, and is growing by over 13 million new users each month.
Visual Shazam - See It Shazam It.
Hey, there's a camera icon in my Shazam - what is it?
You can now Shazam images whenever you see our camera logo or a QR code. Unlock additional content, interactive experiences, special offers, and much more.

Here's a cheat sheet so you can Shazam in a snap - just open, tap, and point:
Any more tips on how to use Visual Shazam?
Here's a few pointers to get the perfect Shazam:
  • Hold your device 4-7 "from the whole interactive image
  • Allow your camera to focus
  • Scanning in dim light? Hit the flash button
Wait, you're the music identification app - what's with the visual stuff?
Do not worry - the button you've come to rely on to identify music is still there. It's just gotten better because we're expanding the range of things you'll be able to Shazam in the future. We've been hard at work building it and know you'll love it.
Have more questions? Submit a request
How Do I Shazam Music And TV?
What is Shazaming?
Shazaming simply means identifying. When you use the app and successfully identify a track or show, you've Shazamed it!
How do I Shazam music?
  1. Download Shazam from the app store on your phone.
  2. Open the app, hold your phone towards the audio and tap on the 'Shazam' icon.
We'll work our magic and within seconds you'll know the name of the song and artist, which will be stored in the My Shazam section of the app.

Purchase the song, watch Youtube videos, sing along to the lyrics, share tracks with friends - and more!
How does Shazam identify music?
When you tap the Shazam button, a unique digital fingerprint is created and matched against our database of millions of tracks. In a matter of seconds we'll let you know the name of your latest musical discovery.
How do I Shazam TV?
Bring ads to life with Shazam. When you see a Shazam logo on TV, hold your phone towards the audio and tap the 'Shazam' icon to interact with exclusive content you will not get anywhere else
What Type Of Music Can Shazam Identify?
Shazam can identify pre-recorded music by matching it against the millions of songs in our database. Our music gurus source pre-release tracks and local music from over 100 different countries.

Does Shazam work with live music?
Shazam can only identify pre-recorded music. Shazaming tracks when you're at a concert or music festival is out.

Can it identify my humming or singing?
Shazam only works with pre-recorded music. Singing into a hairbrush will not work, no matter how good you are. Sorry.

What about Jazz and Classical music?
Classical tracks can be recorded many times over by various artists, so it can sometimes be tricky for Shazam to tell the different versions apart.

There are no technical restraints with Jazz and we're working on adding as much Jazz music to the database as possible.

We have many Jazz and Classical pieces already in our database and we're adding more every day, so it's always worth giving Shazam a shot at identifying your favorite piece.
Problems Creating An Email Account?
There's a small chance you might see one of these two error messages when creating an email account. Here's how to handle them:

  I can not get past a 'we're directing you, please wait ...' screen. What's gone wrong?

If our website is experiencing a lot of traffic, this page might pop up while you're waiting. If you're not automatically redirected, try selecting 'reload the page' at the bottom of the screen or waiting a few minutes before trying again.
Why do I see a 'Using a different device?' Message when I try to confirm my account?

For security reasons you need to confirm your email address on the same device you signed up on. If you sign up on a phone but try to confirm on a laptop, for example, you'll see the screen below. Just make sure that you're accessing your emails on the same device it was sent from and you'll be raring to go in no time.
User Feedback Wanted!
Shazam connects more than 300 million people, in more than 200 countries and 33 languages, to the music, TV shows and brands they love. Every week another 2 million curious people embrace Shazam. All this makes us the world's leading media engagement company. It's an amazing app, available now on all major app stores and platforms. And we're always looking for new and innovative ways to delight our users. Shazam App is one of the Top Ten Most-Downloaded Apps of All Time-on iTunes!

Shazam User Research Program
Calling savvy Shazamers to join our team! We are looking for enthusiastic and approachable people to give us feedback on our app. This could include finding translation typos or improvement suggestions.

This is an unwanted role but participants will receive exclusive Shazam merchandise.

What you'll be doing:
  • Giving the product and design teams feedback on app design and upcoming features;
  • Participating in group chats with others from around the world.

What you'll get out of it:
  • A chance to preview some of Shazam's latest features and products;
  • Your chance to get your opinions heard by one of the world's most popular apps;
  • Opportunities to win exclusive Shazam merchandise.

Who we're looking for. You ...
  • Are a Shazam user;
  • Are approachable, professional and articulate;
  • Have a keen eye for detail;
  • Have an Apple, Android or Windows device.

Please note, this is a brand new program. We are looking for flexible and enthusiastic applications to help us with feedback. Once it's up and running, we will send you a confirmation email letting you know more.
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